BOGO Bloody Mary Sunday’s!
Raquette River Brewing 11 Balsam St., Tupper LakeEVERY SUNDAY: BOGO Traditional RRB Bloody or RRB Bloody Ceasar. Our handmade mix is top secret, and people rave about it!
EVERY SUNDAY: BOGO Traditional RRB Bloody or RRB Bloody Ceasar. Our handmade mix is top secret, and people rave about it!
Join us in the Tupper Lake Beer Hall Monday-Friday 4-6pm for $4 draft beer and cider and $5 cocktails!
Join us for Trivia every Wednesday night at 6pm in the Tupper Lake Beer Hall! $50 gift card for the winning team every week!!!
Save the cooking for Thursday, 2 food trucks onsite, live music from Bittersweet 5-8pm, and of course your favorite drink behind the bar! We are thankful for all of you, and hope to celebrate with you! NO TRIVIA THIS WEEK, RESUMES 12/4/2024